Trung Son Hydropower Company
Bid Package Captain – Roles and Responsibilities
A Bid Package Captain at Trung Son Hydropower Company (TSHPCo) is responsible for the overall integrity of a bid package from design and preparation through supervision and contractor payment. He/she is not responsible for managing the progress of that package.
The Bid Package Captain provides independent quality assurance for integrity. When acting as a Bid Package Captain an individual is responsible only to the Director TSHPCo, and not to his functional department or to any other functional department management.
He/she must not be directly involved in bid preparation, evaluation, award, negotiation or supervision of the package that he/she is captaining.
The Bid Package Captain’s role is cross-cutting and part time only.
A Bid Package Captain shall:
1. Have completed the following training courses:
· Anti-Corruption Training
· Warning Signs (“Red Flags”) Training
· WB Procurement Training
· Construction Supervision Training
2. Have read, understood and signed the TSHPMB Project Code of Conduct
3. Be free of any conflict of interest in regard to the specific Bid Packages assigned to him/her and have signed the Conflict of Interest Register to that effect
4. Be thoroughly familiar with the content and use of Internal Controls Checklists developed by TSHPCo
5. Fully understand TSHPMB’s Complaints and Denunciations process
For the specific Bid Package(s) assigned, the Bid Package Captain shall check and follow up as necessary that:
1. All TSHPCo staff involved in the package(s) have reviewed and signed the Conflict of Interest Register for the package(s)
2. Internal Compliance Checklists have been applied and properly completed through all stages of the package(s)
3. TSHPCo procurement and construction supervision and complaints disclosure standards are followed for the package(s)
4. Any suspected contraventions of TSHPCo’s Code of Ethics are reported to Senior Management
5. Any Complaints or Denunciations received related to the package(s) are facilitated as necessary and properly processed through TSHPCo’s Complaints and Denunciations processes respecting the anonymity of the complainant if that is requested